Reimagine your place


Revitalize your space


Renovida integrates renovation and design services with organizing and editing services to renew your living space.

Renovida means “renewal.” Broken apart, it also means “renovate life” (reno + vida). My approach is holistic with a wellness slant to make a home look good and feel good but also be good.

 West Village, NYC Renovation



Renew Your Life…


You deserve an inspiring and efficient space for work and home.

The world has changed and our relationship with our homes has shifted to intersect work and leisure. Creating a harmonious union of the two requires an adaptive redesign.


Clear your space.
Clear your mind.

Removing clutter, repurposing/recycling old keepsakes, and incorporating eco-friendly items in your home are all part of the process to attain a healthy and more sustainable home.

Let Your Travels Inspire Your Home Design

 Follow us on Instagram @Renovida_NYC